Recipes from Mamma Pina

Limoncello Siciliano (Lemon Liqueur)

This popular liqueur is traditionally served after dinner.


1 Litre


  • 1 litre 98% alcohol (196 proof)
  • 800 grams sugar
  • 8 medium-sized lemons
  • 2 litres water


Peel lemons with a potato peeler, making sure to get as much of the yellow skin as possible and as little of the white.

Boil the sugar in the water, making sure it is completely dissolved. Let it cool.

Add the sugary water and the lemon peels to the alcohol.

Pour the mixture into an air-tight container. Shake daily for 7-8 days.

Bottle and put in the freezer. Leave at least a month!

Take out, and let thaw.

Serve very cold. Buon Appetito!

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